Editing and adding to the wiki
A wiki is a page or website designed to enable many different people to contribute or modify content just using their web browser. The wiki is updated by the SEND U staff. But anyone within SEND International is invited to submit material that they have found helpful in the development of their ministry skills or personal growth.
If you would like to add new resources or edit existing material, please contact Ken Guenther (kguenther@send.org) to receive a login for the wiki.
You will receive an email with your user name and password. Use these to log in to the wiki by clicking on “log in” in the top left-hand corner. Once you are logged in, a little pen icon will appear at the top of the left-hand menu of each page. If you click on it, you can edit or add resources to any page. By clicking on “Media Manager” at the top under the search bar, you can upload files (PowerPoint presentations, PDFs, etc). Don't worry if you have problems with the formatting. The SEND U staff can correct all that later. And if we find that something has been erased by mistake, we can go back in the history and restore what was deleted.