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Annual Ministry Plan
Rationale & Explanation
The Annual Ministry Plan (AMP) is different from the Individual Growth Plan (IGP). Both are a set of goals for the coming year. Nevertheless, they focus on different things. The AMP describes your ministry priorities for the coming year. The IGP, on the other hand, describes what you plan to do to nurture your own personal growth and development so that you can be better equipped to fulfill your ministry goals. The IGP is a plan to better equip us so that we have the training and knowledge to fulfill our AMP.
- Annual Ministry Plan > SEND's International Manual says that “All members will develop clear ministry-related goals with their supervisor or team leader based on their ministry assignment.” This link will give you an explanation of how the AMP differs from the IGP and what should be included in the AMP.
- Individual Growth Plan > SEND desires the personal and professional growth of every member of the mission. We, therefore, want to provide ample opportunities for members to improve their skills and talents and believe this can be greatly aided by having individual growth plans. This link gives further explanation.
How to Develop Your Annual Ministry Plan
How to Develop Your AMP. Each member is asked to develop an annual ministry plan at the beginning of each year.
Downloadable AMP forms
You can download the following Word forms and use them to create your own Annual Ministry Plan.
- AMP form for the individual
- AMP template including job description, team AMP and individual AMP
amp.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/15 19:48 by admin