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Cultural Adaptation

Cultural Learning Courses and Activities

Cultural Resources Used For MOP 201

Guided Discovery Program (GDP)

Each section below leads to a page that contains activities, powerpoint(s), and guided discussion guides to be used in cultural adaptation. The last link also includes a facilitators guide that could be used by an L&O Coordinator, team leader or anyone helping new workers adapt to cross-cultural living. These documents were created and adapted by SEND Russia and have been edited to be used in any cross-cultural situation over a 1-2 year period of time.

Created by SEND Russia and edited for any cross-cultural context

Understanding Culture & Personal Cultural Values

Cultural Intelligence

See this wiki page.

CQ Cultural Values

See this wiki page.

General Resources on cultural values

  • Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes by E. Randolph Richards. Those who grew up in the west are quite often unaware that those in different cultures don't approach the Bible with the same assumptions that we do. This doesn't necessarily make us (or them) wrong, but it can lead to problems in communicating effectively. Since the Bible wasn't written from a Western perspective, it can hamper our own understanding of Scripture as well.
  • Communicating Across Cultures by Stella Ting-Toomey

Ministering Cross-culturally

Incarnational Ministry & Sacrifice

Dealing with Culture Stress

Models of cultural adjustment

  • A popular model or understanding of cultural adjustment is the U-curve “4 Stages of Adjustment”. This model was popularized by anthropologist Kalvero Oberg (1901-1973), one of the first to talk about culture shock. It has been widely used in missionary training.
  • But in the last few years, this model has been criticized for not being adequately grounded in research. See Darlene Jovellanos' article on the SEND blog about this rethinking of the U-curve model. Darlene suggests that there are other models that we might want to consider. Take a look at the Bennett Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity, and then watch this presentation about this model.

Assessments of Acculturation

  • CernySmith Assessments (CSA) are online assessments that measure stress in 5 major areas: Organizational, Cross-Cultural, Relational, Personal, and Behavioral as it relates to the adjustment and well being of people living and working cross-culturally. Dave & JoAnn Loewen in the US Office administer this assessment to SEND missionaries.
  • IDI This is an intercultural development inventory widely used by profit and not-for-profit organizations worldwide. SEND does not presently use this program.
  • Core Cultural Values and Culture Mapping. This is a quick self-assessment to understand your own core values. Used by SEND Russia.

For information on ethnography, please go to this page

cultural_adaptation.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/02 20:07 by bethanyreedy

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