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Much of recent the Church planting, particularly in difficult contexts has been through Church Planting Movements (CPM's) and Disciple Making Movements (DMM's). Discovery Bible Study is the reproducible approach most frequently used in DMM's for applying the Word.

Discovery Bible Study (7 questions)

(modeled after David Watson’s DBS approach)

  • 1. What are you rejoicing in?
  • 2. What are you challenged by?
  • 3. What have you learned about God from this passage?
  • 4. What do we learn about Jesus from this passage?
  • 5. What have you learned about mankind from this passage?
  • 6. What will I do this week based on this passage?
  • 7. With whom will you share what you learned today?


Videos & Resources


  • God’s Grace for the World, Core Skills of Movement Leaders, and Movement Case Studies and Fruitful Practices by Trevor Larsen from Highly recommended by Craig G. Trevor Larsen is guiding and studying an expanding DMM in SE Asia.
  • Motus Dei: The Movement of God to Disciple the Nations by Warrick Farah. Recommended by Craig G. Another rect study on DMM, a good, long study of what DMMs are and sharing current research on what is happening.
  • Contagious Disciple Making is written by DMM experts, David and Paul Watson. The Watsons build on their extensive experience to outline both the theory and practice of launching simple, prayer-based, homegrown churches on a global scale. Reviewed by Ted on the SEND U blog.
  • Spent Matches by Roy Moran shares the journey of Shoal Creek church in Kansas City from an attractional megachurch model to a hybrid approach with an intentional disciple making focus. This book is a valuable resource for doing DMM in a North American, urban context.
  • Miraculous Movements by Jerry Trousdale tells the stories of numerous DMM's and gives helpful DBS resources in the appendix.
  • Downloadable David Garrison seminal book on Church Planting Movements.
  • T4T A Discipleship Re-Revolution by Steve Smith and Ying Kai tells about Training For Trainers (T4T) approach to CPM's.
  • Stubborn Perseverance: How to launch multiplying movements of disciples and churches among Muslims and others (a story based on real events) by James Nyman with Robby Butler. The book explains a step-by-step process of starting a church planting movement among an unreached Muslim people group. But it is presented as a story, a novel that walks through the experience of a small group of Indonesian believers who work together to start such a movement among their own people group. The story is based on real events. Reviewed by Ken Guenther on the SEND U blog.

Paradigm shifts for DMM ministry

(from the “Miraculous Movements”, Jerry Trousdale, book)

  1. Intercessory prayer the foundation of the ministry
  2. Make disciples who make disciples
  3. Invest time in the right people
  4. Don't tell people what to believe or do
  5. Never settle for revealing just one dimension of Jesus' life
  6. Never substitute knowledge about God for an obedience-based relationship with God
  7. Understand that Jesus does impossible things through the most ordinary people
  8. As well as the following:
  9. Learn to be a great facilitator, not teacher or pastor;
  10. Allow room for the process to be messy
  11. Don’t try to control the group or the process;
  12. Natural networks are the key to a healthy and successful group


Additional Videos (over a dozen) illustrating key principles of Disciple Making Movements, Asia.

Principles and foundations of DMM

from the 2014 Asia Regional Equipping Seminar (ARES)

  • A. Heavy investment into Ethnographic Research helps make connections
  • B. More prayer oriented not doctrine oriented, don't be afraid to pray for people.
  • C. Word Of God Central – make disciples by teaching them to obey everything God commanded (Matt 28:19, 20). All questions should be directed back to scripture and answered by scripture. The focus is not teaching the scripture but facilitating discussion that allow participants to discover the word of God for themselves.
  • D. “apostolic” Team
    • Little “a” apostle, like Junius, start new initiatives. Apostolic Agents are action oriented. Their support could for example be 2/3 from donation, 1/3 from business/ job,
    • Keep org walls low (open to others). Analogy: Special meals are the blending of ingredients.
  • E. Focus on The Fruit
  • F. Holistic Ministry (Intersection of Access + Love), Great Commission and Great commandment. As we minister to people in love, we build bridges strong enough to support the transforming Good News of Jesus.
dmm.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/08 18:19 by kimsamalca

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