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Globalization and Multicultural Teaming ~ MOP April 2020

Canceled due to COVID-19 outbreak

Facilitator: Beth Eckstein


The objective of this session is to understand how God is raising up workers from many nations to fulfill the Great Commission and how we can worker together with the broader body of Christ to more effectively engage the unreached in order to establish reproducing churches. We will examine the Biblical foundations of unity in the body of Christ and will understand the benefits and potential impact of multi-cultural teams. We will also look at some principles for effective multi-cultural teaming in SEND.


1. Express the significance of the corporate SEND value of “unity in diversity” for mission relationships
2. Understand the benefits of multi-cultural teams and to be sensitive to the cultural biases that each of us brings to the team


globalization_and_multicultural_teaming_-_mop_apr_2020.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/25 10:57 by faithciasico

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