Table of Contents
Facilitators: Darlene Jovellanos & Judy Severns
Often one of the greatest fears for men and women who are single and considering cross cultural ministry is the fear of never finding anyone to marry. As we honestly look at the statistics, the reality creates even more angst. However this session will be a time for singles to celebrate what God has done and is doing in our lives. We will affirm our belief that God has a good plan for us as we remind one another that along with God’s leading is also His provision for all our needs- including companionship, fellowship, and relationships. The blessings of being single will be affirmed and the challenges looked at realistically. We will consider how we will live our lives as we wait for God to provide a spouse or not. Further, we will discuss how to keep our hearts and minds pure in our service and ministry. If we have time, we may even broach the subject of what to look for in your “missionary mate.”
1.Engage in developing a “theology of singleness” based on the truth of scripture
2.Understand the blessings and challenges of single life while living cross culturally
3.Be encouraged to trust God to meet all his/her needs, in accordance with HIS perfect will