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Healthcare for Global Workers

This SEND Wiki page was developed for global workers looking for more information on how to care for their health. Health includes mind and body, which directly affects one’s soul and the healthier one is the easier it is to say yes to any calling. This wiki will include the tools to competently care for yourself and others in places where healthcare is sometimes hard to come by and will help filter the myriad of information on the web.

SEND U Wiki Pages

Vaccine Recommendations:

  1. which vaccines are needed in the area you would like to travel and any health advisories for that area.

SOS - Emergency Evacuation for Medical Emergencies.

    Please let your AD/RD know ASAP and arrangements can be made through International SOS to evacuate you.

Build your own First Aid Kit

Build your first aid kit to go

Build your own Trauma Kit

Stop the Bleed:

Chest Seal


Israeli Bandage

Hemostatic Agents

  1. hemostatic verses non hemostatic gauzes

Travel Advisories:

Emergency Medical Service Numbers - Around the World

Other Documents:

healthcare_for_global_workers.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/20 10:09 by kimsamalca

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