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Home Service Objectives (US Sending Office)
Objectives for Home Service
- Return draft objectives via email to the US Member Care department. Final copy should also be submitted after it has been approved by field leadership.
What would you like to be working on or to accomplish while on home service in the areas of your spiritual formation, personal health and growth, professional development? If you have developed an Individual Growth Plan ( IGP Guide ), you can incorporate these goals into your home service plan. We find that people tend to view home service as a time to raise support and deal with SEND requirements, but we encourage our members to think more holistically. What do you need to learn, receive or experience in order to be well positioned to thrive and be fruitful during your next term on the field? For some, this may focus on training. For others, it may focus more on rest and renewal or even some counseling.
Below are some ideas to consider as you decide on your objectives. Some are required and are noted as such. It is also helpful to seek input from your supervisor and any mentors you have. Once you have your draft together, be sure to get it approved by your director or field personnel coordinator since it will function as your home service job description.
Categories (and ideas to consider)
Spiritual Formation
- Develop a new spiritual discipline
- Meet with spiritual director or accountability partner
- Personal spiritual retreat
- Corporate & personal worship
- Practice Sabbath rest
- Other
Personal/Family Development
- Medical clearance (must be completed at least every five years)
- Time with extended family
- Physical and emotional wellness, including time for rest/renewal
- Attend extended debrief/renewal retreat when facing potential transition or following any term involving crisis, trauma or extended stress
- Attend marriage retreat (highly recommended for all couples)
- Address MK issues (educational, developmental, intercultural or other)
- Other
Professional Development/Ministry Skills
- Take Church Planter training
- Participate in Sharpening Your Interpersonal Skills (SYIS)
- Participate in Women to Women Ministry Training (women only)
- Pursue continuing education or an advanced degree as it relates to ministry assignment
- Review SEND U resources for additional ideas
- Other
Organizational Connection
- Visit US office for Reconnect Retreat and debrief (required; best within 1-2 months of arrival)
- Attend SEND North American Annual Conference (required at least every five years; May be combined with summer Reconnect)
- Retirement workshop (required once after age 50)
- Child Protection Training (required at least every five years)
- Partner with Regional Mobilizer
- Cultivate relationships with members of the home office
- Other
Partner Development
- Update faith promise list (required)
- Raise additional monthly support pledges to match projected FRC (required)
- Raise project funds for home service budget or other field projects
- Identify new prayer partners as needed (required; minimum 30 needed total)
- Meet with churches/individuals to report on ministry and present needs (required)
- Other
- Ministry responsibilities in sending church
- Prepare for future field related ministry
- Serve as M In Residence at a Christian college
- Other
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