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Facilitator: Ken Guenther


How is it possible for you to get everything you need to do, done? By living intentionally you will be able to give order to your life and work as a missionary. The material will be divided into four basic topics:
1) Guard Your Heart;
2) Minister from Your Strengths;
3) Figure out the Big Rocks; and
4) Connect the Compass to the Clock & Develop a Rhythm.


1.To develop the conviction that intentionality matters and that intentionality begins with our spiritual lives.
2.To develop a growing sense of self-awareness as to your unique design.
3.To initiate movement in your life toward a balance in ministry responsibilities.
4.To experience an introduction to a planning process using Key Result Areas, a five-year plan and a system of regular review.


intentional_living_mop_july_2013.txt · Last modified: 2019/06/10 15:42 by faithciasico

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