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Leadership Books

These books have been recommended by various SEND leaders.

Change Management

Character of a Leader

Cross-cultural Leadership

Crucial Conversations

Developing as a Leader

Developing others

  • Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter by Liz Wiseman. Recommended by Kamron Burchett of World Team. “a dynamic book that looks at how you add value to people, making everyone around you smarter. In others you see greatness, giftings, creativity and you let ideas flow. This as opposed to a Diminisher, who seeks to use people for personal gain and stifles their potential, creativity and abilities. It helps you to discover more about yourself and if you follow to one side or the other and how to avoid the pitfalls of becoming a Diminisher and seek to become one who brings the best out in everybody. This book definitely relates to the coaching, developing and mentoring mindset.”
  • We're in This Boat Together: Leadership Succession Between the Generations by Camille Bishop. Recommended by Patrick Cavenagh. “A business fiction book which illustrates the differences in thinking and philosophy of four generations. It is a fast-paced read as you discover “how” to help these four generations to work together as a team. Great read and came away with a lot of understanding and tools to use.”

General books on Leadership

Great Organizations

Leadership Teams

Managing Yourself as a Leader

Organizational Health


leadership_books.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/13 10:34 by faithciasico

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