Table of Contents
Member Care
Books on Member Care
Books by Ron & Bonnie Koteskey
- A general web page describing all the books offered by Ron and Bonnie Koteskey, some which have been written by others and then edited by the Koteskeys. All FREE. Many books on cross-cultural worker marriages, Third Culture kids, adolescence, re-entry - free downloads in PDF, Word, Kindle and epub formats.
- Some of the main books on member care by Ron Koteskey
- Psychology for Missionaries > Ron Kotesky taught psychology in Christian colleges for 35 years, so he knows what he is talking about.
- Coming "Home": The Reentry Transition > You can use this book as a part of debriefing in a group, as an aid when being debriefed by another person, or alone as a part of a self-debriefing.
Other books on member care
- Where Is God When It Hurts? by Philip Yancy
- Trauma & Resilience: A Handbook- Effectively Supporting Those Who Serve God__edited by Frauke & Charlie Schaefer, April 2015 (Barnabas International)
- Too Valuable to Lose: Exploring the Causes and Cures of Missionary Attrition- William Taylor. Recommended by Lazaro Pascual.
- Doing Member Care Well > Kelly O'Donnell
- Serving as Senders Today- by Neal Pirolo
- The Reentry Team: Caring for your returning missionaries > by Neal Pirolo
- Healthy, Resilient, & Effective in Cross-Cultural Ministry > by Laura Mae Gardner Why is this book unique?
- Psychology and Christianity: Five Views by Eric L. Johnson > Reviewed by Alfie Mosse on the SEND U blog.
Marks of Effective and Sustainable Life and Ministry
Go to the Marks of Effective and Sustainable Life and Ministry page for more information.
- This resource was developed by the 2014 SEND Eurasia Leadership Development cohort.
- The downloadable PDF contains a self-assessment tool for helping missionaries achieve and maintain personal health in key areas of life and ministry. It also contains a directory of resources that can address issues discovered through the self-assessment.
Member Care Conferences
- SHARE Conferences highly recommended by Nathan Garrett. Although primarily designed to help parents with educational choices for their children, these conferences held in various places in Europe have become great places for the entire family to receive member care.
Mentoring Missionaries
- Mentoring New Missionaries > This is an excellent EMQ article from 2008 with a great rationale for the need to mentor new missionaries and specific ideas as to how to do this. This could provide the foundation for a great proposal/recommendation. For SEND members only.
- This is a very simple, one-page list of questions in 5 keys areas that all new missionaries are faced with: language study, cultural adjustment, spiritual health, personal/family adjustments, and church involvement. This just gives an idea of some of the kinds of practical questions that could be discussed between mentor and mentee.
- Thrive in a New Place (SIM) - This is a great little booklet put out by SIM, again to be used in a mentoring relationship with new missionaries. It is intended to be used weekly over the course of several months. Included are great questions, covering a range of topics, as well as evaluation tools. Again, a great little tool that could easily be adapted to a particular team/field.
- See link page
Resources for providing Member Care for others
- Mobile Member Care Toolbox > recommended by Bruce Cannon. They provide resources in French and Spanish as well.
- Daily radio programs from Member Care Media. Member Care Media (MCM) is a media ministry of TWR ( specially prepared for cross-cultural workers whose obedience to the Great Commission has taken them to difficult regions. The program content not only reminds them of God’s promise that He is with them to the very end of the earth but also addresses changing needs from recruitment to retirement.
- See wiki page on Emotional Wellness which includes a section on dealing with trauma and loss.
Transition Resources
- Looming Transitions: Starting and Finishing Well in Cross-Cultural Service by Amy Young. Reviewed by Gary Ridley on the SEND U blog.
- See also books by Ron Kotesky on Missionary Transitions and Reentry.
- See also books on Global Trellis.
- Vodcast Episode 15 - Watch Elaine Winter talk about how to navigate times of transition in healthy ways.
Blogs and Websites
Other Resources
- Other transition resources for families and MKs can be found on this page on the SEND U wiki
member_care.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/16 18:14 by kimsamalca