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MK educational issues

MOP July 2013

Facilitator: Judy Severns


This session will review the many options for educating missionary children in areas where SEND works. Each educational option presents challenges and rewards and impacts family and ministry life. Also to be explored are issues related to assessing children’s achievement, dealing with specific learning needs, and other suggestions as to how to navigate the school years with your children.


1. Each participant will articulate which educational option will be used within his/family.
2. Participants will think through expectations for how children’s school option will impact their first year on the field.
3. Participants will be able to ask general questions about ongoing preparation to assist them as they take children overseas.
4. Participants will be provided for a list of resources on TCK life and education.



mk_educational_issues_mop_july_2013.txt · Last modified: 2019/08/29 18:05 by admin

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