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Member Orientation Program Reading List

Updated December 2021. Download the list with checkboxes that you will submit to your sending office at this link.

For a Spanish reading list, click here.

For a reading list with some German titles, click here.

General Pre-field reading

Regardless of your future field of service or ministry, we expect that all new SEND appointees will read the following books before you leave for your field of service:

SEND history – read the following book by one of SEND’s retired missionaries.

Spiritual Life/ Disciplines – Read one of the following books:

Engaging & Establishing – Read one of the following books:

Marriage / Family / Singles – Choose and read at least one of the following:

Cultural Adjustment - Read the following book:

Country-Specific Reading Lists:

Besides this general reading list, each of you will also have a country-specific reading list. Each SEND receiving country provides a list of books, articles and/or videos that will be helpful in understanding the history, culture and ministry challenges in that particular country. You can find the list of resources on the SEND U wiki under Country reading lists. If you cannot find a book or video, please contact the country field leader. From the list provided you should complete a minimum of 400 pages of reading. Field-specific reading is also to be completed by appointees before their first departure for the field.

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mop_pre-field_reading_requirements.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/02 10:28 by faithciasico

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