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Learning how to preach

Books on preaching

  • Deep Preaching: Creating Sermons that Go Beyond the Superficial a book by J. Kent Edwards. Recommended by Andy Spradley. “A relatively short, very readable and practical guide to preaching. Includes not only good principles of exegesis/communication/oratory but also some vital ways the preacher can prepare his own heart before God. A great resource for anyone involved in preaching or training others to preach. The “deep” part is about making sure sermons touch the hearers (and the preacher) at a deep heart level.”
  • Rediscovering Expository Preaching by John MacArthur. Available in Spanish. Recommended by Mario Iglesias.
  • Biblical Preaching, by Haddon Robinson. This is the standard textbook for introductory preaching classes. It offers easy-to-understand instruction on how to express the main idea of a passage clearly, and the different ways to develop it in planning a sermon. This is a good first resource for anyone learning to preach.
  • Invitation to Biblical Preaching, by Donald R. Sunukjian. This book would be a good 2nd book to read after Haddon Robinson's Biblical Preaching. It has some of the same material, but includes more detailed creative ideas for applying truth and communicating in an engaging and precise manner, as well as descriptions of different kinds of sermons.
  • Between Two Worlds by John Stott. This is a modern classic on preaching by one of the best evangelical preachers in the last 50 years. Stott covers issues such as “The Glory of Preaching,” “contemporary Objections to Preaching, ” “Theological Foundationsfor Preaching, ” “Preaching as Bridge-building,” “Preparing Sermons.” A Summary of the last topic is available here
  • Saving Eutychus: How to Preach God's Word and Keep People Awake by Gary Millar and Phil Campbell. I have to admit I bought this book because of the intriguing tiitle. Yet, it is a helpful book on developing biblical sermons that relate to people. The authors advocate developing a network for critiquing one anothers' sermons.
  • Expository Exultation by John Piper. Also available inSpanish Piper makes the case that biblical preaching fuels worship. He writes in the introduction, “God's purpose on earth will advance through Bible-saturated, Christ-exalting, God-centered churches, where the gravity and gladness of eternal worship is awakened and rehearsed each week in the presence and power of expository exultation.” -21. Piper links this book together with A Peculiar Glory: How the Christian Scriptures Reveal Their Complete Truthfulness and Reading the Bible Supernaturally: Seeing and Savoring the Glory of God in Scripture. The three book build in a progression that gives us insight into Piper's preaching.
  • Prepared to Preach:God's Work and Ours in Proclaiming His Word by Greg Scharf. The author spends half of the book on preparing the preacher as a person. He provides a helpful overview together with good insights on preparing a biblical message. An excellent first book on preaching.
  • Putting the Truth to Work:The Theory and Practice of Biblical Application By Daniel M. Doriani. The author develops application around four questions:“1. What should I do? That is, what is my duty? 2. Who should I be? That is, how can I become the person or obtain the character that lets me do what is right? 3. To what should we devote our life energy? That is, what goals should we pursue? 4. How can we distinguish truth from error? That is, how can we gain discernment?” -98. He moves from theory to practice giving lots of helpful examples.
  • Step by Step: A Guide to Sermon Preparation by Cary Perdue, who served with SEND in the Philippines for many years. He was the former Dean and President of Asian Theological Seminary in Quezon City. A no-nonsense guide to effective and meaningful preaching.

Preparing to Preach as a Missionary

preaching.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/23 16:51 by kimsamalca

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