Table of Contents
SEND U Introduction
MOP July 2013
Facilitator: Ken Guenther
SEND U is SEND International's training department and is an initiative of the International Office of SEND. This session will give a brief overview of the different types of training that SEND U provides. We will also introduce a follow-up program to MOP, called MOP-Recap.
SEND U's task is to equip SEND missionaries and leaders to more effectively mobilize God's people and engage the unreached in order to establish reproducing churches. In other words, SEND U seeks to develop our “greatest resource”, our membership so that it can accomplish our organization's mission.
Three levels of training are under the umbrella of SEND U.
- Pre-field training, such as Member Orientation Program (MOP)
- Ministry skill and missiological training for current SEND missionaries, such as training in church planting, coaching workshops
- Leadership training for team leaders, ministry leaders, area directors and regional directors
- Explain the purposes and programs of SEND U
- Introduce MOP-Recap, and explain why this program is important for first-term missionaries
Handouts / Resources:
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