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SEND Values: Establish ~ MOP July 2018

Facilitator: Warren Janzen


We are not trying to bring “church in a box” to every people. There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to how people gather and worship our LORD. Yet there are some common markers of a faithful community of Christ. What are those? This seminar will help articulate some irreducible minimums of church and illustrate how you can pursue establishing a reproducing church.


  1. To be able to articulate our key objectives in church planting.
  2. To gain some insight on what the process of church planting looks like.

Handouts for Establish:

Return to the main MOP July 2018 page

send_values_-_establish_-_mop_july_2018.txt · Last modified: 2019/04/15 21:47 by mwilliamson6

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