Frank Severn's Church Planting Manual
Lesson 1 - Importance of the Doctrine of the Church
Lesson 2 - The Meaning of the Church
Lesson 3 - The Foundation and Establishment of the Church
Lesson 4 - The Essential Nature of the Church
Lesson 5 - The Universal Church
Lesson 6 - The Nature and Function of the Local Church
Lesson 7 - The Form of the Church
Lesson 8 - Spiritual Gifts
Lesson 9 - Steps in Organizing a Church
Lesson 10 - When is a Church a "Church"?
Lesson 11 - Leadership in the Church
Lesson 12 - The Office of Elder
Lesson 13 - The Word of God and the Office of Deacon
Lesson 14 - Baptism
Lesson 15 - Lesson 15 The Lord's Supper.doc
Lesson 16 - Church Discipline
A Biblical Look at Church's Mission (7 lessons)
How To Plant a Responsible Church