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Facilitator: Carl Kresge


These sessions are an interactive, discussion-oriented focus on the participant's walk with God as a missionary, or maintaining and nurturing an ever deepening intimacy with God while serving as a missionary. These sessions conclude with a Day Alone with God scheduled during the second week - an opportunity to practice more intensely what you have been learning during these sessions.


  1. Remind participants of how critical their walk with God is to their success and fruitfulness as missionaries and have them do a self-evaluation.
  2. Motivate participants to commit to making intimacy with Christ their number one priority, to resolve to be like Mary (rather than Martha), and to develop a plan for how they will do so.
  3. Provide participants with practical suggestions for how to nurture intimacy with Christ on a daily basis.
  4. Help participants prepare for a meaningful Day Alone with God.




spiritual_formation_mop_july_2013.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/09 22:21 by admin

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