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Facilitator: Don Johnson


The student will understand that we are in a spiritual battle with a relentless, yet defeated, enemy. Our adversary is determined to steal God’s glory and to hinder and stop the advance of the God’s Kingdom using all his weapons in the battle. Students will learn that our daily battle is a spiritual one, not physical. The student will also learn the significance of our position in Christ by faith, the value of daily recommitting oneself to God’s purposes and renewing oneself in the Lord, and God’s call to selfless love as keys to victory in the battle. A panel of SEND missionaries will participate in this session to share from their experiences about God’s victory in the battle. We will commit to pray for each other that God’s glory might be seen in each of our lives. In the end, we daily stand at a fork in the road. When the battle rages, will we choose, by faith, to praise the Lord and submit fully to Him, or will we choose Satan’s path that leads to destruction?



spiritual_warfare_mop_july_2013.txt · Last modified: 2019/03/19 20:44 by admin

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