Table of Contents
Thailand Pre-field Reading List
Thailand Reading List:
Read 400 pages from the following list as pre-field reading.
Thai Ministry
- Character Qualities for Serving with SEND in Thailand by Doug Harder (PDF)
- The 3D Gospel: Ministry in Guilt, Shame and Fear Cultures by Jayson Georges
- Serving Well by Elizabeth & Jonathan Trotte
- Cross-Cultural Connections by Duane Elmer
- Completing the Great Commission in the Buddhist World by Steve Parlato (PDF)
- The Four Fields (PDF) by Nathan & Kari Shank
Culture and Religion
- The Lotus and the Cross by Ravi Zacharias
- An Illustrated History of Thailand by John Hoskin (or another book on Thai History)
Read one of the following books on Buddhism
- A Christian Pocket Guide to Buddhism by Alex G. Smith
- Sharing your Faith with a Buddhist by Madasamy Thirumalai
- Nine Thai Values by Suntaree Komin (PDF)
Isaan Culture
Shan Culture
- Shan Prayer Guide (PDF)
- The White Umbrella by Patricia Elliot
Disciple-Making Movements (DMM)
- DMM Explained by Craig G. (PDF)
Read two of the following books on DMM:
- Miraculous Movements by Jerry Trousdale
- Contagious Disciple Making by David & Paul Watson
- Church Planting Movements by David Garrison
For Onboarding Coaches
NOTE: There are also extensive articles on DMM along with many other topics on our own SEND U Wiki.
thailand_reading_list.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/21 17:25 by kimsamalca