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Well Done! ~ MOP July
(A definition of success for missionaries)
Facilitator: Ken Guenther
We all long to hear those cherished words, “Well done, good and faithful servant. Come and share your master’s happiness.” But what does it look like to do your ministry “well”? What serves as authentic measures of “success”? We will see that missionaries define success differently and that one’s understanding of success change over the life of a missionary career. A study of Paul’s measure of success in his apostolic ministry will guide us in our development of a personal definition of success for our first term of service.
- To discuss various ways that missionaries define whether they have been successful or not
- To study the Apostle Paul’s markers of successful ministry.
- To write out a personal definition of success for the first term
Additional Resources:
- Series of blog posts by Ken on the definition of success for missionaries
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well_done_-_mop_july_2018.txt · Last modified: 2019/08/02 11:44 by admin