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Facilitator: Ken Guenther


Where possible, SEND seeks to partner with the existing local churches in the host culture rather than starting our own “SEND brand” of churches. We work with and serve these existing churches to assist them in their church planting efforts. These partnerships provide many unique opportunities for SEND, but also present some unique challenges, particularly to new missionaries who are seeking to find their place of ministry alongside national pastors and existing ministries.


1.To identify the reasons why SEND partners with existing national churches and some of the challenges that come with that partnership
2.To develop a plan for how missionaries will learn more about the host culture church
3.To develop a plan for how missionaries will seek to establish their credibility with the host culture church


working_with_the_national_church_mop_july_2013.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/22 18:56 by

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